Why are women injured in cycling accidents more than men?

Why are women injured in cycling accidents more than men? A suppressed TfL report gives us a clue: Women cyclists are far more likely to be killed by a lorry because, unlike men, they tend to obey red lights and wait at junctions in the driver’s blind spot, according to a study. via po-ru.com: Avoid ...

Free Reiki Attunement

After a week doing a yoga and climbing course, where I was introduced to Reiki, I would like to give you the gift of a free Reiki attunement. Namaste, everyone.

Hammer Pants flash mob

YouTube – Hammer Pants Dance (HD).

The perception that something ought to be done

In England we have come to rely upon a comfortable time-lag of fifty years or a century intervening between the perception that something ought to be done and a serious attempt to do it. H. G. Wells


I can’t remember if I’ve already posted this, but just in case if haven’t, here it is. Enjoy & be happy!

What Would Jesus Buy

YouTube – Sony's New Fucking Piece of Shit that doesn't do the God Damned thing its supposed to! by the Onion

YouTube – Sony’s New Fucking Piece of Shit that doesn’t do the God Damned thing its supposed to! by the Onion.

Investing In Lawsuits Beats the Street

There’s a company investing law suits and getting at 20% return. Whilst that’s quite a good idea in a way (it allows people to fight against those with bigger budgets) it’s also a sure sign that the system is broken. Here’s a proposed solution from a reader on Slashdot: Abolish legally binding precedent. The accepted ...

What now for Ed Dowding, not MEP?

Hello, Democracy Fans! Tomorrow (Thursday 4th) is voting day, so be sure to find your local polling station and get out there and vote! Because this year there are A LOT of muppets running. (If only.. that would actually quite fun…) UKIP and BNP are going to do very well in these elections as the ...

Repurposing bikes

We recycle used bicycles to build pedal-powered machines, bicimáquinas, which support and help facilitate the work of small-scale, self-sustainable projects. Through this work we hope to contribute to the conservation of the environment, the health or the Guatemalan people, and the productivity of the local economy. MAYAPEDAL. Via @Al_Humphreys

This and that

A few notes from various bits of paper lying around the place: — More people are being more productive that ever, and we still have trouble making ends meet. Something is fucked here, Dude. — “Eat only parents.” This was my conclusion about the ethics of eating meat. Basically once they’ve fulfilled Biological Imperative #1 ...

Another reason not to buy plastic bottled water, or plastic bottled anything for that matter.

Plastic bottles leech chemicals which cause cancer and / or mimic oestrogen. WTF?! WHY DAMMIT?! WHY WOULD YOU MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THIS?!?!! And if you knew you were, wouldn’t you stop? Reusing Plastic Bottles Can Pose Serious Health Hazards Refilling and reusing plastic bottles can release toxic cancer-causing chemicals http://environment.about.com/od/healthenvironment/a/plastic_bottles.htm > Popular plastic baby bottles ...

Alas, the only thing that prevents me from going mad from a corrosive combination of hatred and fear of the unknown is the thought that I would not have been able to become so blasphemously rich were it not for one simple truth: the peoples of the world will always believe whatever preposterous hateful bull-shit ...

In Transition

Wind powered car

The founder of Ecotricity is building a wind powered (well, electricity powered) car. Read about it as his blog, Zerocarbonista.

Orwell on Spring

Certainly we ought to be discontented, we ought not simply to find out ways of making the best of a bad job, and yet if we kill all pleasure in the actual process of life, what sort of future are we preparing for ourselves? If a man cannot enjoy the return of spring, why should ...


This page logs mistakes we’ve made, strategies we should have planned and executed differently, and lessons we’ve learned. Because we are a startup organization working in areas we have little experience with, it is particularly important that we constantly recognize and learn from our shortcomings. We make this log public so as to be up ...

Spotify media pack / ad rates

Spotify Media Pack is quite interesting and gives some indication of where they’re going with it all.

Link roundup

Belgian city plans ‘veggie’ days Just Add Spice – Spice is a social enterprise that develops credit systems for engaging people in communities and public services. Spice’s community credit systems have been tried and tested and are uniquely successful in dramatically increasing participation of community members in public services and in achieving community transformation. Spice ...

Make it important

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” Pablo Picasso