Happy Monkeys

Pretty much everyone wise who has picked up a pen for the topic of happiness seems to agree that it lies in the simplest of pleasures, mostly coalescing around the contentment of our animal selves.

Two great new London Maps

TFL have eventually decided to release their data. (We were trying to get them to do this five years ago…) Already there are a few great examples of what this data can do: Stefan Wehrmeyer (who is looking for a job, if you have one going) has made a few great examples showing CCTV footage ...

The surprising truth about what motivates us

YouTube – RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.

Dunning Kruger effect

I fully expect to be demonstrating the Dunning-Kruger effect sometime in the next 10 months.

It's all too beautiful

It’s so damned lovely here. The last few nights we’ve slept upstairs on the open deck so see stars above us, hear the river below us, and the birdsong and chirping crickets all around. It is serene, and it is beautiful. In the mornings the dawn chorus is simply huge. It’s like being awakened by ...

It's not BP's fault, it's yours

I’d like to take a moment to remind everyone (especially in the USA) that it is our sociopathic craving for oil which is driving this, and scape-goating BP merely displaces the responsibility from those who demand the lowest cost oil (at all costs), and the governments who allow it. BP were just unlucky to be ...

3 neat business ideas

British high-end chocolate maker and retailer Hotel Chocolat, wants to expand even further. But rather than turning to banks or big investors for money, they’re inviting customer to buy bonds. Bonds that will pay chocolate returns.  Two values of Chocolate Bond will be issued: both with the return paid in monthly Tasting Boxes. Holders of a ...

A Brief List of Epiphanies

A great list at Amazon:  “A Brief List of Epiphanies”

Tired of ISMs?

YouTube – ISM Inspired by Slow Money.

Vatican reaches out to atheists

The Vatican is planning a new initiative to reach out to atheists and agnostics in an attempt to improve the church's relationship with non-believers. Pope Benedict XVI has ordered officials to create a new foundation where atheists will be encouraged to meet and debate with some of the Catholic Church's top theologians. via Vatican reaches ...

Is there a useful time to have money?

I rail against money quite a bit, since the facts suggest that as it is currently structured it has ceased to be the servant of humanity’s needs. So consequently I’m not that fussed about having a lot of it, since why would I want to be part of the problem? But within this reasoning there ...

iPad = Tom Cruise

The iPad is the Tom Cruise of technology. It looks good, does some things well, but is overpriced, unnecessary, and tries to lock you in to an unbelievably crass belief system.

Memento Mori

The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions. Ellen Glasgow PS. You’re going to die one day, soon. Bummer, eh?

Kurt Vonnegut

New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center. All those who ...

French farmers turn Champs-Elysees into huge farm

The Champs-Elysees, has been covered in earth and turned into a huge green space in an event staged by young French farmers. Plants, trees and flowers were brought in by lorry overnight to transform the avenue into a long green strip. More than a million people are expected to visit over the next two days. ...

10 Things I Learned From Meditation

Because I find myself coming back to this question from time to time, here’s a list I came across at Fresh Creation. Thoughts are not reality Focus is important Media influence your view on the world People are good Positive thinking is very powerful Mistakes are good There’s too much stuff Listen to your body Helping ...

Man invents life

One hell of a headline.

The Afghan Conflict – A Map of Possible Scenarios

Wonderful infographic on the future of the Afghan conflict. Have a look at the fullscreen version on their website. The Afghan Conflict – A Map of Possible Scenarios.

How to Grow More Vegetables (than you ever thought possible on less land that you can imagine)

Notes from the book, taken 10-12 Feb 2010. Bed Preparation Good structure and balanced / plentiful nutrients allow for uninterrupted growth First year you do it, allow 1 hour per 1m2 Second year onwards, allow 30 mins per 1m2 Ongoing maintenance is about 1.5 mins per 1m2 Initial Preparation Perform a soil test Soak with ...

Is permaculture economically viable?

There are approx 2.2 million people in Havana and 85% of all food comes from within the city grown on plots, roofs and in community spaces. via Is permaculture economically viable?