Human Culture through language

A team from Harvard has been studying Google Book’s record of human culture, spanning six centuries and seven languages. It shows vocabularies expanding and grammar evolving. It contains stories about our adoption of technology, our quest for fame, and our battle for equality. And it hides the traces of tragedy, including traces of political suppression, ...

Hi, my name's Ed, and I'm an ENTP

ENTP Credo: “No, let me explain…” ENTP Keywords: Frank, Challenging, Original, Creative, Complex, Expedient, Analytical, Rule-breaker, Questioning, Theoretical, Adventurous, Unconstrained, Intellectually promiscuous via Prelude Consulting via Happy Works – Fun with Wordplay is a daily wordplay game of analogies that fosters abstract and creative thought. And funny as hell, to boot.

I don't do memory, I do action

I don’t do memory, I do action. So whatever I did, I’ve done, but I’m fucked if I know what it was.

Five Ways to Well-being

Five Ways to Well-being | the new economics foundation.

The Good Gym

The Good Gym pairs runners with isolated less-mobile people in their area. Runners jog to their house, deliver something nice, have a brief chat and are on their way again. It helps people get fit by providing a good reason to go for a run and it helps the person being visited by providing them ...

Wikileaks: Website of the knowledge of good and evil

I wonder if this is going to play out as it does in the Bible, wherein power-hungry incumbent with delusions of grandeur (and a penchant for voyeurism) shows true colours, and banishes us from every getting near such founts of knowledge again? Paypal and Amazon have already removed their support for WikiLeaks. God directly forbade ...

I Wish This Was

New Orleans is full of vacant storefronts and people who need things. These stickers are an easy tool to voice what you want where you want it. Fill them out and put them on abandoned buildings and beyond. These stickers are custom vinyl and can be easily removed without damaging property. They’re free and can ...

Neo-Classical elements: Time, money, energy, politics

The world used to be (perceived to be) made up of four elements: Earth, air, fire, and water. A few years back Ollie and I figured all the problems in the world would go away if only we could sort out the energy thing. Not least because if we really nailed it we could just ...

Appropedia: the WikiLeaks of good knowledge

Appropedia: We provide the living resource library of individuals and organizations working towards a sustainable, healthier future, so that efforts can be spent evolving instead of duplicating past efforts.

Merchant Bank that threatened to leave UK ‘just went round corner and waited’ | NewsBiscuit

Merchant Bank that threatened to leave UK ‘just went round corner and waited’ A bank that had insisted it would quit the country over reforms to the financial sector, was found this afternoon, safe and well outside Canon Street Tube Station. Passer-by, Sarah Evans, noticed the bank hovering around the entrance to the District Line, ...

Working hours? They are just so last season. | Forum For The Future

Do we need to be in the office nine ’til five? Or at all for that matter? It’s this sort of questioning that brought success to the Brazilian company Semco, whose CEO Ricardo Semler cut out offices, management, job titles and business plans altogether, in favour of the employee’s freedom to do their job on ...

The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life

The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man. Euripides

Convenience will kill you.

YouTube – PLASTIC STATE OF MIND – Black Friday Parody.

Vision 2050. From here to there. – Image foTF.

Why are you here?


A wonderful approach to urban farming as Something & Son ask the question, “How much food can we grow in this shop?” Quite a lot it turns out. – ‘Aquaponic’ micro fish farming – High tech Indoor allotment – Rooftop chicken coop – Polytunnel It all looks rather cool. I must go visit. If you ...

Eric Cantona joins in calling for economic change

The clever chap has pointed out that taking to the streets is a less effective means of protest than just triggering a run on the banks, which will highlight the systemic flaws in the financial model. Now there’s the argument to be made that this is a bit irresponsible, but when facing down a far ...

Funniest ever 'Lost' sign

Lost Sign Of The Day |

Self-Repair Manifesto

Self-Repair Manifesto – iFixit.