Ed Dowding is a systems-thinking entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience using technology to tackle existential risks and promote sustainability. https://www.linkedin.com/in/eddowding/
My answer to this question: The best article I’ve seen on this is http://www.changethis.com/38.03.EdInnovation, followed closely by another from the IEA arguing for the economic liberatlisation of education and removing it from Government control / state monopoly. It certainly seems very true that innovation in education will come from countries like India and China who ...
“Our dealings with those whom we love may be safely left to instinct; it is our dealings with those whom we hate that ought to be brought under the dominion of reason. In the modern world, those whom we effevtively hate are distant groups, especially foreign nations. We conceive them abstractly, and deceive ourselves into ...
When you talk, there are times when you might raise the pitch of your voice to give the word emphasis. Instead, you can sound like an important person in a suit by simply lowering it on the same word. Try it: “I don’t *really* think that’s a good idea” vs “I don’t _really_ think that’s ...
http://thingsihavelearnedinmylife.com/ http://kluster.com/ http://podiobooks.com/
Life is better shared. Rather, my life is so good it’s worth sharing. I’m not sure I want to share anyone else’s unless it’s at least as good.
An interesting Matrix-style thought experiment is presented in (yet another) great TED talk: what if we serve the plants? How does the world look then? The second part of the 17m speech talks about the virtues of Polyface farming. There are some incredible yields possible.
Where art and engineering meet.
On the other hand, ancient Greek values held in low esteem economic activities that were not subordinated to the traditional activities of managing the family farm and obtaining goods for necessary consumption. So-called banausic work, which included manufacturing, business, and trade (which were not tied to the land and the family farm), and what we ...
Do you find conversations and thoughts about love are difficult? It’s often hard to work out exactly what we think about someone, and even harder to tell them. Much of this is down to the very limited vocabulary we use when talking about love. Any word that can apply to “chocolate mousse” and “the person ...
Just in case you were wondering, the 2008 US Elections aren’t until 4th November 2008, so we’ve got a whole year of this shit left. Go Obama!
Ok so we have bureaucracy, democracy, aristocracy… but what do you call the upper echelons of the media? A mediacracy. Personally, I find that funny.
Just sing it to your computer and it will match it. http://www.midomi.com
Every cell phone user has done it: forgot to lock their phone’s keypad and accidentally called the first person in the contact list. Usually some unlucky person by the name of Aaron or Abigail. Belgian ad agency Duval Guillaume came up with a clever campaign that turns accidental calls into accidental donations to the Belgian ...
Sigh. More stupidity as the world keeps turning. I don’t mean to be intolerant, but I am, so given that there are too many people anyway can we just take a leaf out of the Sudanese book and get genocidal on these people and save waiting for (the cultural r)evolution to kick in? Actually let’s ...
It had never occurred to me before how mathematical symbols are more iconographic than symbolic. Take for example the symbol for ‘more or less’. When representing this by hand, you waggle your outstretched fingers from side to side. Expressed over time, this is exactly the same as the symbol ‘ ~ ‘. The divide symbol ...
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following statistics? 29 have been accused of spouse abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 19 have been accused of writing bad cheques 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses 3 have done time ...
Nice idea. I might have to borrow this one day.. www.ask500people.com
Get a wife Get a house Until you have these two things sorted, your focus will be on these and no other major goals. Probably something to do with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.