Ed Dowding is a systems-thinking entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience using technology to tackle existential risks and promote sustainability. https://www.linkedin.com/in/eddowding/
I’ve been reading Nudge of late. It’s a book about rational man (doesn’t really exist) vs irrational man (does exist, is us). To demonstrate these points it presents a few examples and mental exercises to show how we should behave vs how we do behave. And in each of these I choose the rational answer. Which is odd, ...
A great video from Avaaz about helping America be mindful of its unique and hard-won position in the world: http://www.avaaz.org/en/for_all_of_us/?cl=139960524&v=2321
I guess it’s not illegal to link to this if someone else is hosting it: http://pathfindercoaching.org/Documents/happiness_hypothesis_haidt_e.pdf I’ve recommended this book before, and will do again, so take the opportunity to grab the summary whilst you can.
http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending Wow. That’s bad. The UN has only 2% of the budget of global military expenditure. And that’s the WHOLE UN, not just the peacekeeping part. Now wonder it has a hard time doing its job.
In addition to a photo of this alarming and somehow still legal poster, there’s a jolly good lecture about capitalism and communism over at Leninology (via Sophie). The lecture is given by Richard Wolff, the Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, so he makes a well reasoned and very self-aware argument. I ...
Hopefully the billions pumped into those arseholes banks will make spending billions more on the military industrial complex those other arseholes who are going to make lots of money from ID cards can be curtailed. But just in case you thought the whole ID card card debate had gone quiet, read on at the BBC, ...
Pizza Express – 2for1 on main meals – Click ‘n’ print an online voucher Get 2for1 on main courses at Pizza Express by clicking ‘n’ printing this voucher. Just fill in a few details and then print the voucher that pops up in the next window. It’s valid Sundays to Thursdays, until 19 October 08. ...
uhoh.. at last.fm has some competition – spotify is looking pretty cool.
Only 4 rabbits, but still that’s 8 meals for standing around in the sun all day looking at the view. And one snared rat when we got home too
If banks can get billions for screwing up, I feel I deserve to be awarded a few hundred thousand for behaving myself.
I met a chap called Tom Sacchi, a partner at www.unit9.com, at a party last night. He has an embossed fucshia business card which brings out the American Psycho in me. I was checking out their website this morning and they’ve done some very neat stuff, and have a great artistic style. I suggest you ...
Astonishing that in the Financial Crash of 2008, the $700bn = $104 for EVERYONE on the planet. Damn you, unbridled capitalism and dumb systems.
Only 98 months to go until we’re reach the fork in the road which gives climate change the positive feedback it needs to kills billions of people! 1. Sign this: http://www.timetolead.eu/ 2. Watch this: http://wakeupfreakout.org/film/tipping.html
is hilarious!
Here’s the BBC Adventure Show take on the Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon I competed in earlier this year. There’s a hukka from yours truly at about 1m30s, and a few other clips here and there. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00dsr32/
This is a great ad for a funeral arrangements company!
I need to blog more. Or less. Maybe just better quality.
A thought provoking comment from the Slashsot comments: “Google started off running on Stanford equipment, and was spun off, as happens frequently at Stanford. Sun and Cisco also started with Stanford people and equipment. Stanford has become a real estate company and a venture capital firm that runs a university on the side for the ...
“The decree says the aim is to centralize and analyze data on people aged 13 or above who are active in politics or labor unions, who play a significant institutional, economic, social or religious role, or who are “likely to breach public order.” The information that can be collected includes addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, ...
“OhBoyObama! is a new website that allows you to submit your ideas for the campaign and vote on ideas submitted by other Obama supporters. It’s like Digg for campaign strategy – the best ideas get voted to the top. Just go to http://www.OhBoyObama.com , register as a new user, and start voting or submit your ...