Month: August 2021

Things I’ve been reading: 4th August 2021
Silent Letters: S oh S an iSland hides a secret from us spellers;it surrounds itself with seathen parades a leafy paradise of lettersbut keeps one we cannot see in heaps of rubble and rubbish, odds and endsit is often hard to spotevery detail in the debriS, though your pen’ssure it got the lot and though ...

Things I’ve been reading: 1st August 2021
Juliane Koepcke Juliane Koepcke (born 10 October 1954), also known by her married name Juliane Diller, is a German Peruvian mammalogist. As a teenager in 1971, Koepcke was the sole survivor of the LANSA Flight 508 plane crash, then survived ten days alone in the Amazon rainforest.1297 words A Hitman Came for Susan Kuhnhausen. He ...