Things I’ve been reading: 27th December 2020
The Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News and Analysis
Ad Coronavirus An EMT pauses while loading a stretcher back into an ambulance after dropping off a patient at a coronavirus field hospital operated by Care New England in Cranston, R.I.
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What are Liberating Structures?
Liberating Structures are a selection of 33 alternative structures for facilitating meetings and conversations, curated by Henri Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless.
1273 words
Something Weird Happened to Men 7,000 Years Ago, And We Finally Know Why
Around 7,000 years ago – all the way back in the Neolithic – something really peculiar happened to human genetic diversity.
765 words
Harmonious Working Patterns?
Rewriting the story of human collaboration! (Pt 2. — Analog) Life is music, you don’t go to a concert to hear the last crash cymbal and leave, you go for the experience and enjoy a dance or you’ve missed the point¹.
1052 words
This is How a Society Dies
When I ask my European friends to describe us — Americans, Brits, who I’ll call Anglo-Americans in this essay — they shake their heads gently. And over and over, three themes emerge. They say we’re a little thoughtless. They say we’re selfish and arrogant.
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Having Kids
Before I had kids, I was afraid of having kids. Up to that point I felt about kids the way the young Augustine felt about living virtuously. I’d have been sad to think I’d never have children. But did I want them now? No.
1524 words
Could Air-Conditioning Fix Climate Change?
Researchers proposed a carbon-neutral “synthetic oil well” on every rooftop.
1288 words
If Hong Kong had enacted national security laws on its own, Beijing wouldn’t be stepping in
Countries everywhere have laws protecting national security, and the duty of citizens to safeguard their country’s interests is generally acknowledged. National security, moreover, is of such importance that it is invariably legislated for by national parliaments.
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Pentagon War Game Includes Scenario for Military Response to Domestic Gen Z Rebellion
In the face of protests composed largely of young people, the presence of America’s military on the streets of major cities has been a controversial development. But this isn’t the first time that Generation Z — those born after 1996 — has popped up on the Pentagon’s radar.
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The Post-Pandemic Social Contract
While many recent proposals for reforming capitalism would substantially change the way our economies operate, they do not fundamentally alter the narrative about how market economies should work; nor do they represent a radical departure for economic policy.
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Is There Still Room for Debate?
In the last couple of weeks, as the purges of alleged racists have intensified in every sphere, and as so many corporations, associations, and all manner of civic institutions have openly pledged allegiance to anti-racism, with all the workshops, books, and lectures that come with it, I’m reminded
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Holly Jean Buck: How to Decolonize the Atmosphere
Carbon removal is a fundamental part of our decarbonization and decolonization efforts. Holly Jean Buck offers a blueprint of an international Green New Deal that redresses the colonial imprint of First World nations’ carbon emissions. Authors Holly Jean Buck Published 22.06.
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Virtual activists
Passionate Gen Zers are finding ways to host protests in the digital world. As the strain of the pandemic curbed mass gatherings, community events and other meeting occasions of the public, protestors began finding new ways to continue their demonstrations in the digital world.
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Green investing has shortcomings
THE FINANCIAL industry reflects society, but it can change society, too. One question is the role it might play in decarbonising the economy.
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The Female Narcissist
As a seasoned therapist in NYC specializing in treating survivors of complex trauma and a subset of relational trauma known as narcissistic abuse syndrome, I encounter men and women who enter treatment baffled by the damage incurred by a female narcissist. Being certified in Dr.
1570 words
COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act
Many months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the coronavirus is still spreading uncontrolled through the U.S. Public health authorities including the U.S.
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Bill Gates’ nuclear venture plans reactor to complement solar, wind power boom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A nuclear energy venture founded by Bill Gates said Thursday it hopes to build small advanced nuclear power stations that can store electricity to supplement grids increasingly supplied by intermittent sources like solar and wind power.
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What’s causing climate change, in 10 charts
Different ways of looking at the problem. With heat waves, wildfires, intense hurricanes, and other extreme weather events in the headlines, the ravages of climate change have become undeniable and unavoidable. Who or what is responsible for this?
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Boris Johnson : The gambler, by Tom Bower book review
Book review – British Politics – The TLS | Boris Johnson: The gambler by Tom Bower, reviewed by Rory Stewart
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Hannah)
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