It costs the same to solve global warming as it does to solve it.


A research team at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria, says it has studied how much it would cost for governments to stick to their worldwide global warming goal. They’ve concluded that for “a 70 per cent chance of keeping below 2 degrees Celsius, the investment will have to rise to $1.2 trillion a year.” Where to get that money? The researchers say that “global investment in energy is already $1 trillion a year and rising” with more than half going to fossil fuel energy. If those subsidies were spent on renewable energy instead, the researchers hypothesize that “global warming would be close to being solved.”

Ed Dowding

Ed Dowding

Founder, strategist, writer, gadfly, TED talker, world-record holder, and (foolishly) reality-TV farmer. DOES: Innovation, Product, Advocacy THINKS: Regenerative Systems, Institution design, 300 year horizons

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